Wednesday, July 27

you so arrogant but yet very protective

it's too late thinking that way. i really miss u. they might see u very cruel upon me, but there some part of u that i always forgot to forget until these day. The way u care is much different from other guys. Cruel way, but yet very understanding... U seem not even listen to me, but always u did the way i really need. u listen with ur heart, right? now, i think its too far better than someone who seems listen a lot, but in his heart he really hate each word from my mouth. Do nothing and let it be..

someone who always giving up on me, but yet the one who raise me up again and again..
someone who scold me a lot, but yet still the one who wipe my tears..
someone who always say 'i hate u', but yet u never let me go from ur life.

i really miss u
i really miss u
i really miss u

ps: i was not regret leaving u. i miss u just like missing a bestfriend who lost in the middle of life journey. yes u r my bestfriend.. coz no one understand me like u did. even worst, not also my love one.

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